Innovation – Simple Explanation of the What, Why and Where

Sep 12, 2024 | Commercial Support

Ichiban Commercial Solutions' simple explanation of the what, why and where of innovation as a method for solving customer problems.

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Innovation – A Simple Explanation of the What, Why and Where

This post is  inspired by a little book on fishing knots that for me (and pardon the pun) ties the knots of innovation so well together.

It is just about ten years since I packed up my office on my last working day as an “employee”; since I filled my backpack with last minute stuff .

As often, I was actually the last one out of the office. I remember carrying my mug and stuff in a box, dropping my ID card at reception and having to manoeuvre myself out of the place with hands full.

Closing one gate, I opened a new one into a new world as a start-up. It has been a year where I really learned what it means to be innovative and think outside the box.

There are more than 2.5 million small businesses in Australia. It is people who work to make a living, make a difference and it is often the people who have to be really innovative to survive. It is in this world where I have seen what innovation is and effective it can be.

What is innovation?

“The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay.”

Business Dictionary definition

I don’t think you only need to create value but you really have to solve a problem that your customers have and it makes it easier if they are already paying to resolve this problem.

My little treasured “The waterproof book of fishing knots” book reminds me of essence of creativity and innovation. I can remember buying it about two decades ago. I have to admit, I have no idea why I would have bought it; since I am no fishing person.

This book is great and can almost inspire me to go fishing….

This little book is a treasure of innovation.

All 19 pages of it.

It states the problem simply:

Knot failure – the main reason for “the one that got away”, especially that once in a lifetime fish.

It is practical:

The book is waterproof. It fits in your pocket or your tackle box.

The index page is on the back of the book, so you know which knots are included in the book.

Best of all – at the back has a fish measuring ruler , both in centimeters and inches.

Therefore never again do you have to scratch your head to remember how you make the “Perfection Loop” or the “Spider Hitch”.

It provides a solution to two problems:

The book shows you how to tie 15 supa-dupa knots to prevent that “one to get away” again.

It allows you to measure the one that did not get away.

It is affordable:

The book was not overly expensive.

It saved you to buy a ruler or take one from your kids’ pencil case.

And somehow, it is timeless:

It was first published in 1996 and you can still find it.

Being laminated or waterproofed, it withstands the tides of time.

Why is innovation important?

Innovation is important for different reasons.

It comes down to solving your customers’ problems in order to remain competitive, attractive and to deliver value for money.

Innovation comes down to making your customers’ life easier than what your competitors can.

Sometimes you can even find a solution for two problems as our fishing book did – not only do you have the easy to follow steps for making the knots but you can also measure your fish. Two problems, one solution.

You often reduce cost for your customers overall and provide them with a much required saving by combining problems and finding one solution.

Innovation requires a culture that allows innovation. That is probably why you find innovation occurring in back rooms, entrepreneurial businesses and some younger generations.

Large companies often talk about business improvement, use great tools such as Six Sigma; but in the end, if you stifle people’s ability to see problems and if you put in barriers that make it hard to solve those problems, you will not see innovation happening. Worse, your innovators will take their innovative abilities and close the gate behind them.

What do you need to be able to create a culture of innovation?

  • Be open to problem identification and solving – all ideas are allowed to be voiced;
  • Listen to your customers – find out what they really want, don’t work on the premise that you know what your customers want; provide your customers with the space and opportunity to tell you their problems;
  • Make time for innovation – set aside time to be creative; even try out Mr De Bono‘s different hats for fun.  You may just be surprised how innovative you and your people can be;
  • Allow people to challenge the status quo and please, please, please – please remove the party poopers who tell you “this is how we have always done it”!
  • Remove barriers for implementing innovation – big business have all the gadgets and tricks and people to allow people to come up with great ideas, but then those great ideas die a slow death as you have to jump all these hoops to get simple innovation through;
  • recognise and reward all innovations and great ideas (even if it is just a small thank you).

Don’t let innovation be the one that got away

In the end, don’t let innovation be the big fish or the one in a lifetime opportunity that got away.

Make sure you know how to make your knots, tie your ropes and create a culture of innovation in order to deliver value for money for your customers and to hold on to the one that otherwise “have gotten away.”

Let innovation be the knot you use to solve your customers’ problems.

If you have any questions on

  • how to link innovation to procurement,
  • pricing,
  • value for money or
  • applying for grants or awards

please feel free to contact us.

About the Author:

Celia Jordaan has more than 30 years international and corporate experience and worked in the areas of procurement, tenders, supply chain, contract management, law and risk. She works with business of all sizes and industries, procurement leaders and teams to develop and implement strategies to boost business performance, make tendering easy and improve bottom line performance.

To learn more about Celia Jordaan, please click here.

For more information on how we can assist your procurement team, your business with tendering or strategic business development and planning, please send us an email today.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Procurement Advice and Tendering Solutions Celia Jordaan

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