Ichiban Resources

Handy Checklists and Resources to Support Your Value Proposition and Business Growth.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Ichiban Resources Download

Ichiban Resources

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Please note the resources are commercial guides and checklists and are not meant to be legal advice. 

If unsure, please seek legal advice.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Value for Money Considerations

Value for Money and Tendering

Understanding the requirements of value for money and whole-of-life cost requirements in government tendering in order to  stand out from your competitors.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Tendering Ready Checklist

Tendering Ready Checklist

Check organisational maturity and readiness to tender and whether you meet the general compliance criteria typically requested in government tenders.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Tender Preparation through to Submission Checklist

Tendering Preparation Checklist

Tender Preparation Checklist to guide you through your planning, preparation, completion through to submission process.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Capability Statement Template

Capability Statement Template

Our user-friendly, do-it-yourself capability statement template to assist you to ultimately write a customer focused capability statement.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Capability Statement User Guide

Capability Statement User Guide

Our user guide to assist you to prepare your customer focused capability statement – focus on your value proposition and how it can support your clients.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Contract Review Checklist

Contract Review Checklist

Contract review checklist with practical questions and comments on what commercial aspects to look out for when entering into contracts.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Tender Compliance Criteria Checklist

Tender Compliance Checklist

The tendering compliance checklist focuses on whether you meet the compliance criteria generally included in tenders, especially government tenders.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Similar Experience Example

Similar Experience Example

The Similar Experience Table example is set up to assist organisations with providing information on relevant experience in a table format in government tenders.

Ichiban Commercial Solutions Key Personnel Table Example

Key Personnel Example

The key personnel experience table is set up to assist organisations with providing personnel’s similar experience  in a table format for government tenders.

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